Writing Profile
Description and RationaleAuthor Roger Angell said, "We are all writers and readers, as well as communicators..." As a writer, it is worth taking a few minutes to look at the kinds of writing you actually do. I'm not talking about essays and research papers, because most of us don't do academic writing unless someone forces us to do it. This assignment asks you to look at the ordinary writing you do daily (or weekly). Even those who think they loathe writing seem to find something they write often enough to end up on the list.
For this assignment, you will write a 750 – 1000 word list (1 – 2 pages) with examples. The first step is to decide to be brutally honest with yourself. The second step is to list the writing you do most often:
- writing done at home
- writing done via phone or tablet
- writing done with pen(cil) and paper
- writing done on your computer at home, school, and/or work
- writing done for fun
- writing done for work
- writing done for other reasons
Documentation Requirements
Once your list is done, include the last five examples of each list item. Yes, I actually want you to include the last five texts you wrote, the last five Facebook posts you wrote (not the last five you shared that other people wrote), the last five emails you wrote, and so on. Don't clean them up, don't worry about grammar//spelling/format. If you wrote things by hand, snap a photo or scan the last five of them and paste the photos/scans in your assignment. If you wrote multi-page documents, just include the first page of each one. The point is to document the writing you do.
Because this is an informal document, it is not expected that you have citations or an official Works Cited or References page. Please do not include any work document that would violate company policy against sharing proprietary information! Text messages and Facebook posts are perfectly acceptable, but you don't need to include photos or images unless you want to. It's just fine to include personal content, but please substitute *** for profane words (we do need to keep this within college guidelines).
Scoring Standard
You will be graded on your ability to adhere to the following requirements:
1. Format (use the following guidelines to format your professional letter)
- informal list format
- Serif font (such as Times New Roman, Garamond, Palatino, etc.)
- 12-point font, 1-inch margins
- headings, if necessary, in body of the text