The assignments for this section will ask you to look up information about your chosen field. Make sure you do more than a casual internet search! The more you learn about your field, the more you will be prepared to enter it when you are ready. There are many other places to look:
- Professional organizations (websites, professional journals, other publications, news reports, white papers)
- Workplaces (interview HR personnel about what they look for when hiring, talk to entry-level and senior-level people who do the job you plan to do, talk to professors in your core classes, email or phone scholars who have written about your field in professional journals)
- Government sites that set industry standards (Department of Transportation, National Institute of Health, National Endowment for the Arts, National Science Foundation)
- Unions (local, national, international)
- US International Agencies (United Nations, Doctors without Borders, Engineers without Borders, Central Intelligence Agency, US State Department, USAID, Peace Corps)
- International Agencies (will depend on the chosen country)
Make sure you skim the three articles below, then watch the videos and take thorough notes before moving on to the next quiz. There are no questions from the articles.